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About the department

The Department of Physics was founded in 1966 as a department in the College of Science, which together with the College of Arts constituted Kuwait University at that time. Presently the department runs courses for more than 5000 students during the three semesters of fall, spring and summer. Besides serving our majors we function as a service department to the College of Engineering & Petroleum and to the College of Education. We also run service courses for the four Colleges of the Health Sciences Center: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Allied Health.

The Department of Physics aspires to High Standards of Excellence in all aspects of Teaching, Research and Service. For this reason, the department, along with the College of Science, is committed to periodic evaluation of its programs opting for their enhancement, and development in the light of new international trends in the field of Physics.

The Mission of the Department of Physics is to serve the citizens of Kuwait, the Arab world and the rest of the world by promoting the advancement and dissemination as well the application of the knowledge of physics and the understanding of the basic laws of nature. This is accomplished through research and instruction in an excellent learning environment and through activities in which we share our skills, knowledge and enthusiasm with the community at large.


الأحداث القادمة