The Faculty of Science is the scientific foundation of Kuwait University and the gateway to provide basic education for the science-related colleges. Its aim is to prepare future generations of Kuwaitis to meet the scientific needs of the nation.
The Faculty of Science was established in 1971. Prior to this, it was part of the Faculty of Arts, Science, and Education when Kuwait University was formed in 1966. Currently, it is composed of 8 academic departments: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biological Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Statistics and Operations Research, Marine Science, and Computer Science. The Faculty of Science facilitates the work of these departments by providing specialized research centers, labs, and workshops.
Mission statement
To serve the Kuwait community by providing outstanding education, research, and services.
Vision statement
To be a regional leader in the discovery and transfer of scientific knowledge and expertise.
Strategic Goals
The Faculty of Science has defined its objectives according to four main criteria: quality, distinguished presence, innovation, and sustainability.
1. Prepare quality graduates efficiently.
2. Support foundational education for scientific subjects at other faculties.
3. Create and develop academic programs for undergraduate and post graduate studies that are consistent with the job market.
4. Increase the production of quality scientific and joint research at local, regional, and international levels at governmental and non-governmental agencies.
5. Design and implement specialized training courses for professional and academic development.
6. Increase research cooperation, interdisciplinary research, and joint supervision of graduate students at regional and international universities.
7. Promote joint academic, sporting, and cultural activities with regional and international universities.
8. Activate student exchange agreements with corresponding colleges at universities in the Arab world and internationally.
9. Develop education methods to create innovative learning environments.
10. Motivate students, faculty, and staff in financial and moral ways to promote creativity and innovation.
11. Raise the efficiency of the use of available financial and human resources.
12. Continue to provide support and appropriate financial resources for the faculty’s activities including teaching, research, and community service.
The college has nearly 3000 students and 191 staff members. A comprehensive evaluation of programs ensures that the academic quality turns out competent graduates for the community and nation's needs. The faculty contributes to community services, provides technical and scientific support to public and private sectors, organizes workshops and training courses for the public’s benefit, and effectively contributes to the country’s development. The faculty has world class facilities and resources, including the Electron Microscopy Unit, Computer Center, Statistics Laboratory, Central and Glass Workshops, Liquid Nitrogen Unit, Herbarium, Marine Biology Unit, Green House, Geology Museum, SAF and Analab facilities
College of Science Laboratory
The college's 114 teaching and 88 research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art advanced scientific instruments for research, analysis and consultative work. In addition, the faculty ensures an enriching research environment with several sponsored and General Facility Projects. Faculty advisors are available to assist the students in choosing the most appropriate programs of study.
College of Science Computer Labs
The college's 114 teaching and 88 research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art advanced scientific instruments for research, analysis and consultative work. In addition, the faculty ensures an enriching research environment with several sponsored and General Facility Projects. Faculty advisors are available to assist the students in choosing the most appropriate programs of study.
List of Departments
Earth and Environmental Science