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About us chemistry

The Department of Chemistry offers three degrees: BSc, MSc and PhD. Most of the faculties are engaged in rewarding research. The teaching and research activities are supported by able teaching and research assistants and technical and support personnel, science services and analytical facilities.


 Current and future national, regional and global challenges require concerted efforts from all sides. A large part of the response to these prospective challenges necessitates contribution from the chemical sciences. Besides, chemistry is central to all efforts directed towards food, health and environmental security, sustainable development and wealth-making. The Department of Chemistry is mindful of these issues and concerns when it comes to the formulation, development and implementation of teaching programmes, research activities, and services to the community and to the region and elsewhere. The vision is for high quality teaching and excellence in research, for one cannot effectively be without the other.


   The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to complement and extend the institutional mission of the University and its Faculty of Science. Broadly, it is to educate students both in and through chemistry, and to extend knowledge through research and disseminate this knowledge through formal teaching and public awareness programmes. The initiative in educating students is to increase the quality and number of prospective candidates opting for chemistry.

Specifically the mission is to :

Graduate well educated and trained chemists at the BSc, MSc and PhD levels to meet national and regional needs of a well trained work force.
Use the MSc and PhD programmes and research assistantships to generate, develop and maintain quality research worthy of international recognition.
Serve the science departments in the Faculty of Science and other faculties in the University, and promote interdisciplinary and interdepartmental cooperative research.
Help to achieve societal awareness of science in general and chemistry in particular, and the recognition chemistry deserves of its strategic importance. 

 The strategic objectives of the Chemistry Department include :

Design of a timely curriculum in tune with established chemical principles, emerging chemical ideas, and future vision of chemistry, role of multimedia   pplications, and project and applied chemistry programmes.
Translation of the curriculum into model courses aimed at graduating BSc, MSc and PhD students with:
(a) The requisite knowledge of chemistry.

(b) The necessary experimental skills.

(c) A measure of transferable skills: originality, creativity, innovativeness, critical thinking, correlating and presenting in                 written and oral discourse.

(d) An ability to conduct independent research in all its experimental and theoretical evaluation stages, and its writing and          defense stage.

   3.   Recruit, train and retain expert faculty, and teaching and research assistants capable of realizing the teaching and research objectives, and to provide consultancy and leadership in the service of the community.