
Micromeritics Gemini VII 2390t (General Facility Project No: GS 01/01)
• Rapidly and reliably produces accurate, repeatable surface area and porosity results.
• Fully automatic operation.
• Capable of measuring low surface area materials.
• No pressure overshoot.
• Single- and multipoint BET (Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller) surface area.
• Langmuir surface area.
• Total pore volume.
• BJH pore size distribution using adsorption isotherm.
• BJH adsorption and desorption isotherm.
Surface area measurement is an important analysis used in many industries, including catalysts, zeolites, MOFs, batteries, absorbents, artificial bone, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, metal powders for additive manufacturing along with a wide variety of other applications and industries.
Sample Analysis Request Form