Agilent Infinity 1260
• Convenient access to four solvents for isocratic or gradient analysis for rapid method development Pressure range up to 600 bar A wide flow range up to 10 mL/min . Sophisticated pump control to deliver very low chromatographic noise and very low acoustic noise for better results and better working environment
• Variable volume autosampler with reduced delay volume, reduced carryover and the option to operate as a fixed loop autosampler
• Detection capabilities include variable wavelength (VWD), fluorescence (FLD) and refractive index (RI) detection.
• Automated derivatisation by 1260 Infinity Vialsampler eliminates tedious manual procedures and delivers reproducible results.
• Omics research and pesticide screening. Amino acid analysis and metabolite identification. Studies on antibody drug congugates (ADCs) and biopharmaceuticals.
• Glycan analysis.
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