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Ion Chromatography (IC)


Metrohm 850 Professional (General Facility Project No: GS 02/01)


• Conductivity detector for anions and cation. 

• Sequential suppression (chemical and CO2 ) possible. 

• Reduces background conductivity to an absolute minimum. 

• Suitable for processing chemicals and flammable samples. 

• 886 Professional Thermostat/Reactor for temperature control. • 887 Professional UV/Visible detector for organic acids. 

• MSQ Plus (Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer detector for trace bromate levels. 


• Determines concentrations of the following ions in samples:- Anions: Inorganic and small organic anions with chemical suppression.- Anions A (A5 column): F-, Cl-, NO2-, Br -, NO3-, PO4 3- and SO4 2- .- Anions B (A7 column): F-, H2 PO2-, ClO2-, BrO3-, Cl-, NO2-, Br -, ClO3-, NO3-, PO3 3-, PO4 3-, SO4 2 and I-.- Cations (C4 column): Li+, Na+, NH4 +, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+.- Organic acids (Organic acids column): Formic acid, acetic acid and tartaric acid. 

• Trace bromate using A16 column and MS


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