
Bruker D8 Advance (General Facility Project No: GS 03/01)
• Data collection: angular range between 10° and 80°; 2θ scan step - 0.015° ; step time -0.2 second.
• Radiation type: CuKα (λ = 1.5406 Å); voltage: 40 kV; current: 40 mA; detector: Lynxeye.
• DIFFRAC plus (BRUKER AXS, INC., 2004) with ICDD library to identify the minerals.
• Studies on geological samples, rocks, soils, minerals, ores, etc.
• Identification of crystalline structures.
• Particle sizing of powders.
• Determination of unit cell parameters of solid lattices.
• High temperature powder diffractometry
Sample Analysis Request Form