
Shimadzu DTG-60 H & TMA -60H (General Facility Project No: GS 01/01)
• Temperature range: Room temperature to 1100°C.
• Programmable heating rate: 0.1 to 99.9°C / min to 0.1 to 99.9°C/h.
• Temperature program format: Constant rate of heating/cooling.
• Atmosphere: N2 , H2 , O2 , CO2 and vacuum (static or dynamic).
• Automation: Multi-tasking software for simultaneous 2 channel data acquisition and processing.
• TMA analysis modes available: Constant rate up to 50 steps; constant rate elongation; shrinking strain measuring mode and cyclic loading mode.
• Investigations on thermal stability of materials, stoichiometry and oxidation process.
• Weight loss of plasticizers. • Studies on visco elastic behavior and glass transition.
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