Research Sector Projects Unit (RSPU)
Research Sector Projects Unit (RSPU) is an amalgamation of several scientific laboratories that houses state-of-the-art analytical instruments meant for scientific research. It is an integral unit comprising several high end equipment in Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Biological Sciences Department.
The Research Sector Projects Unit facilitates 09 ongoing projects and houses more than 45 state- of- the art-equipment. The development of RSPU was carried out at several stages and in different time periods through the use of various projects.
The facility also produces on an average 30 publications each year including publications in Q1 and most of them are cited in high ranking journals.
Services provided by RSPU have had significant impact on the research output of the Kuwait University.
Over the years, the facility is being expanded by including more professional work force and state-of-the-art instruments. The existing equipment at the unit are also being continuously upgraded to ensure top-notch performance. The services from RSPU is free of charge to all researchers and graduate students within Kuwait University.
Instrumentation facilities in the RSPU provide access to specialized equipment crucial for research in chemistry, biology, engineering, physics medicine and related disciplines. The facilities are used on a daily basis by researchers from Faculty of Science, Engineering, Health Sciences and for community services by submitting the requests through Vice Dean for Research and Academic Affairs/ Director of the unit. For external clients a minimal charge will be imposed for analysis.
The concept of General Facility Projects arose in the year 1993, when Kuwait University were acquiring new equipment after the liberation of Kuwait. It started in the chemistry department in the year 1993. It was extended to other departments in Faculty of Science for supporting major equipment acquired after the liberation. The head of respective departments were the Principal Investigator at that time.
In the year 1997 the various projects were merged together and new general facility projects were formed. Principal Investigator was changed from head of the departments to Vice Dean for Research and Laboratories affairs. In course of time the Vice Dean for Research and Graduate studies was assigned as the Principal Investigator of the RSPU unit.
Currently RSPU houses instruments from 9 ongoing General Facility projects with 24 regular staff and 2 secondments.